Moving Back to Dojo4

Boulder Code&&Coffee bio photo By Boulder Code&&Coffee

I have many fond memories of working and hanging out at Dojo4. These memories include posting “Over Heard” tweets graciously uttered by Garett, shipping code and horseradish bacon cream cheese.

You see, the Code&&Coffee group use to meet at Dojo4 for their weekly meeting. Corey would bring in bagels along with an amazing horseradish bacon spread. Coffee would be brewed and served and coders would hang out in the different areas of the office. These were good times.

These good times are about to come back! Emily reached out to me and extended an invitation to return to the dojo! As a result, we will return to Dojo4 starting on July 8th. While I can’t promise horseradish bacon spread (that is entirely up to Emily), I can promise good company and good coffee!

See you then!